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Why so much PAIN?

Do you find yourself in pain without knowing how you got there?

REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY is a broad term for soft tissue damage that builds a little at a time; often almost imperceptibly. Repetitive tasks performed with poor posture or in an awkward position can tear muscle fibers. This can happen while driving, sitting at a desk typing, or even while out golfing. Our body responds by laying down scar tissue to patch the tear, and if we keep creating small amounts of damage the body will patch and re-patch the same area over and over.

This creates restricted movement, tension on joints, and of course, pain.
What can be done? At Tamarindo Muscle Therapy we are regularly helping patients recover from years of damage and muscle pain. If you are living with pain, or just want to get your golf swing back, give us a call for a free phone consultation to see how we can help you.
