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Le Syndrome Du Tunnel Carpien

Le Syndrome Du Tunnel Carpien

Qu'est-ce que le syndrome du canal carpien?

Le syndrome du tunnel carpien est engourdissement, des picotements, une faiblesse, et d'autres problèmes dans votre main en raison de la pression sur le nerf médian.

Quelles sont les causes du syndrome du canal carpien?

La pression sur le nerf médian peut venir de l'enflure ou de tout ce qui rend le canal carpien plus petits. Bien qu'il existe de nombreuses causes, dont certaines des plus courantes sont les mouvements répétitifs de la main et du poignet (comme la dactylographie) ou un défaut d'alignement de l'épaule, du coude ou du poignet. Certaines autres causes incluent: la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, le diabète et d'autres maladies inflammatoires.

Quels sont les symptômes?

Les symptômes surviennent le plus souvent dans le pouce, l'index, le majeur, et la moitié de l'annulaire. Si vous avez des problèmes avec vos autres doigts, mais de votre petit doigt est très bien, cela peut être un signe que vous avez le syndrome du canal carpien. Un autre nerf donne un sentiment du petit doigt.

De picotement, d'engourdissement, de la faiblesse ou de la douleur dans les doigts ou de la main. Certaines personnes peuvent avoir des douleurs dans le bras entre leur main et leur coude.

Comment est-il traité?

Il existe de nombreux traitements disponibles qui fournissent un soulagement temporaire comme les anti-inflammatoires, le repos, glaçage, etc. Cependant, à Tamarindo Muscle de la Thérapie, nous croyons qu'il est important d'obtenir à la racine du problème.

Dans le syndrome du canal carpien, bien que l'accent peut être sur la zone du poignet, plus d'une structure peuvent être impliqués, la probabilité des autres muscles étant hors de l'équilibre est élevé. Généralement les gens avec le syndrome du tunnel carpien seront présents avec une rotation interne de l'épaule et du bras affectant le nerf qui fournit la sensation dans le canal carpien qui prend naissance dans le cou et les épaules. Il est important de libérer tout le tissu de cicatrice le long de l'ensemble de la voie nerveuse.

Le Koontzin méthode a été très efficace dans le traitement de cette condition grâce à l'étirement et le manuel spécifique de la manipulation des tissus mous. Cette méthode soulage la pression et la douleur, et fournit une solution plus permanente par traiter la cause et pas seulement le symptôme.

6 Foods that reduce inflammation and joint pain

Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response; without it, we can’t heal. But when it’s out of control—as in rheumatoid arthritis—it can damage the body. Plus, it’s thought to play a role in obesity, heart disease, and cancer.

Foods high in sugar and saturated fat can spur inflammation. “They cause overactivity in the immune system, which can lead to joint pain, fatigue, and damage to the blood vessels,” says Scott Zashin, MD, clinical professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

Here are 6 examples from among many of the foods you can add to your diet to help reduce excessive inflammation:

Fatty fish: 
Oily fish, like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines (not fried), are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation. If your not a fish fan try fish oil supplements.

Whole Grains:
More fiber, which has been shown to reduce levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the blood.

Dark leafy greens:
Studies have suggested that vitamin E may play a key role in protecting the body from pro inflammatory molecules called cytokines—and one of the best sources of this vitamin is dark green veggies.

Another source of inflammation-fighting healthy fats is nuts—particularly almonds, which are rich in fiber, calcium, and vitamin E.

“Colorful vegetables are part of a healthier diet in general,” says Dr. Costenbader.They have high quantities of antioxidant vitamins and lower levels of starch.

This vegetable’s brilliant red color is a tip-off to its equally brilliant antioxidant properties: Beets (and beetroot juice) have been shown to reduce inflammation, as well as protect against cancer and heart disease, thanks to their hearty helping of fiber, vitamin C and plant pigments called betalains.

Drugs & Inflammation

There are more drugs designed to fight inflammation in the human body than any other single category of drugs. NSAIDs are taken regularly by approximately 33 million Americans! Anti inflammatories stop or disrupt inflammation by suppressing or altering the chemical signals associated with the inflammatory response. This interrupts the natural healing process and can often lead to conditions of chronic inflammation.

Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are often used to stop inflammation, but they may not be strong enough or may have too many side effects. NSAIDs work by inhibiting production of prostaglandins, the chemicals in our bodies that enhance inflammatory effects Prostaglandins are also important to the normal functioning of a number of other processes
including digestion. Because of this, inhibition of prostaglandins by NSAIDs can cause indigestion and stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Corticosteroids are immunosuppressive. This means that they reduce the activity of your immune system. A healthy immune system helps defend your body against bacteria, viruses, and cancer.

Use of corticosteroids decreases the body’s helpful
immune activity, which can increase susceptibility
to infection and interfere with the healing process.

What about Antibiotics?

Antibiotics, he very drug prescribed to fight bacterial infections, also impair the body’s immune system. This paradoxical effect was first reported in 1950, but was dismissed because researchers could not confirm their findings. Then, in 1972 researchers at the Baylor school of medicine in Houston rediscovered that antibiotics can prevent white blood cells from attacking and destroying bacteria.

There is a wide range of natural herbs and vitamin supplements that can be taken to naturally combat many different diseases and conditions.

For example, for the natural treatment of diseases relating to your immune system and or chronic inflammation do some research on “Immunocal” a natural supplement with no side effects, that is available here Costa Rica. Ask us about Immunocal and if it’s right for you.

What is the role of inflammation in the body’s natural healing process?

The inflammatory response:

  1. Prevents the spread of damaging agents to
    nearby tissues
  2. Disposes of cell debris and pathogens and
  3. Sets the stage for the repair process.


“Inflammation is one of the most important mechanisms of host defense since it marshals the attack on the injurious agent and leads to repair of the affected tissue”

The role of inflammation in the process of healing has been misunderstood for many years. Recent neurological and immunological research has shed light on its importance in the human healing process. A clear shift in science is taking inflammation away from being the enemy of health and a condition to be suppressed and or eliminated to one in which its importance and role is allowed to proceed.

Although at first, edema may seem to be detrimental to the body, it isn’t. The entry of protein-rich fluids into the tissue spaces.

  1. Helps to dilute harmful substances, which may
    be present
  2. Brings in large quantities of oxygen and
    nutrients necessary for the repair process.
  3. Allows the entry of clotting proteins which form
    a gel like fibrin mesh in the tissue space that
    effectively isolates the injured area and prevents
    the spread of bacteria and other harmful agents
    into the adjacent tissues. Its also forms a
    scaffolding for permanent repair.

When faced with a muscle or joint injury, don’t jump right to icing the injured area. Remember that inflammation is your body’s first line of defense. The reason for icing is to decrease swelling…instead try gentle stretches or massage to increase circulation…and for muscle pain you can even try heat as a natural muscle relaxant.
